Emily Wall

Tell Me What You See Project

Tell Me What You See was a collaborative project between three artists.  Emily Wall and Alexis Easley are poets and Elise Tomlinson is a visual artist. 

Elise Tomlinson began the project by creating rich, evocative oil paintings of women.  Then poets Emily Wall and Alexis Easley wrote poems responding to the paintings.  As the project evolved, the two poets began writing poems based on each others’ work, and Elise began painting based on the images in the poems.

The oil paintings and poems of this project asked questions about the way women form their identities and how this is shaped by the way we are perceived.

This project was originally shown at the Juneau Douglas City Museum in the winter of 1999.  The paintings and poems were collected into a show and opened to the public; the collaborators invited comments from the community members on the work and on the issue of imaging women.

The above link will lead you to an online gallery created by Elise Tomlinson showcasing the work.